Eye Exams
We often take for granted our ability to see. Your eyes deserve to be examined regularly by an optometrist to help your eyes stay as healthy as they can. There is a common misconception that if a person sees well, their eyes must be healthy. In fact many serious, sight-threatening eye diseases have no early warning symptoms. Fortunately, optometrists have the skills to detect many of these eye conditions in their early stages.
Early intervention gives a person the best possible chance of maintaining good vision. A thorough eye examination not only reveals the health of your eyes, but can also be an indicator of your overall health. Many general health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be detected through regular, preventative eye examinations. Make a regular visit to your optometrist part of your annual health assessment.

Contact Lenses
A contact lens exam consists of all aspects of a general exam in addition to the following tests:
Early intervention gives a person the best possible chance of maintaining good vision. A thorough eye examination not only reveals the health of your eyes, but can also be an indicator of your overall health. Many general health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be detected through regular, preventative eye examinations. Make a regular visit to your optometrist part of your annual health assessment.

Sight Testing for OACP's & Firefighters
Please enquire about our special sight testing program for OACP's and firefighers. Book an appointment below!
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Retinal Fundus Photography
Fundus photography is taking the image of the retina of the eye with a fundus camera. Fundus photography is important for diagnosing and treating various posterior segments and other ocular diseases. The illumination and reflectance of the retina occur through the common optical path, i.e., the pupil.
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